Voting and Rewards
Gauge Voting
$veSTR holders decide which liquidity pools receive emissions in a given epoch by voting on their preferred liquidity pool gauges. $STR emissions will be distributed proportionally to the total votes a liquidity pool receives. In return, voters receive 100% of the trading fees and bribes collected through the liquidity pool they vote for. Voting for gauges, or in fact any action related to the $veSTR NFT is allowed only once per epoch. This means that calling Voter.reset() (used for resetting an NFT vote state and usually required before merging it into another $veSTR NFT) or Voter.poke() (used to re-cast the votes for the current epoch in order to direct emissions and earn bribes) counts as an action for the current epoch. While limiting the protocol participants to one action per epoch is not ideal, it does make the protocol safer against potential exploitative behavior. Unused `$veSTR` voting power is still taken into account as we calculate the weight of the vote upon epoch flip and based on the locked vesting slope.
There are 3 types of rewards on Sterling.Finance.
Emissions: Represent $STR distributed to liquidity pool stakers. The amount of $STR distributed towards every pool is proportional to the voting power received from the voters every epoch. These rewards are streaming and are available for claim as these accrue.
Fees: Represent liquidity pool trading fees distributed to voters in pool tokens ( e.g., if the pool is vAMM-STR/ WETH the distributed tokens are $STR and $WETH). The tokens are streaming proportionally to the voting power cast by a voter and the accrued amount of trading fees. Rewards are available for claim as they accrue. You do not need to claim them each epoch.
Bribes: In addition to the fees, liquidity pools allow external rewards from anyone (known as bribes). Bribes can be added to pools and are distributed only to voters on that pool, proportionally to their share of pool votes. These rewards are available for claim after the epoch flips (after Wednesday 23:59 UTC), and are proportional to the voting power cast by a voter ($veSTR).
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